Do You Know Your Warning Signs?

Do you know your warning signs?

Sometimes we get so engrossed in our work that we forget about taking time out to recharge the batteries. The last thing that we want to do when we're busy is slow down. We're afraid of getting more behind, or just never know what the next email/letter/phone call may bring.

After years of trial and error, I have worked out that when the corners of my eyes start to burn it is time to slow down for a day or two. Others I have talked with have a similar warning sign - a knot in the stomach, sore or tight shoulders, a heavy chest perhaps, or some other physiological sign.

For every negative psychological effect, there is a physiological response. When we worry about something it will manifest in the body somewhere.

Find what your indicator is and listen to it. Rest when you need to, to be in a slump if you need to, to feel down if that is the emotion you are feeling at the moment. And, when the time is right, - get up, dress up, front up - and get back into life once again.

Let's talk!