How's Your Screen Time Looking?

Whenever we use our devices, we receive shots of dopamine that reward us. Dopamine is highly addictive because it makes us feel so great.

The dopamine reward is not only addictive, but it also severs the connection between the limbic system and the frontal lobes meaning we are no longer able to think things through fully before acting. Hence, we purchase things on the internet that we may not need, we post prolifically to get continual rewards, and we might make comments on social media that we wouldn't ordinarily say in person.

The good news is that we can rebuild that broken connection, it just takes time. Restricting the use of technology is one option, yet one that I least prefer.

👉 The most preferred method of adaptation is to exercise! Exercise need only be a 20 to 30-minute medium to fast-paced walk that lifts our heart rate to pump oxygenated blood through our veins, to burn off adrenaline & cortisol, and to reconnect us to our prefrontal cortex. That reconnection is why ideas tend to come to us whenever we exercise.

❤️ Plus, we get the bonus of pain-relieving endorphins to make us feel great.