"Very helpful, Lance was great and really knew what he was talking about. He covered a very broad range and kept it interesting."
Tompkins Wake Solicitors.
"The session was very well received by the players. 82% of players rated the training as ‘excellent’. 71% of survey respondents gave maximum satisfaction ratings for all four quantitative delivery questions. Players appreciated the multi-modal nature of delivery. Over 82% of the group selected the highest score in interactive and organised measures. Qualitative commentary confirmed that players enjoyed Lance’s narratives which provided rich examples as to why he uses certain communication methods. These narratives were reinforced by best practice research."
Auckland Blues Rugby - Players Programme Evaluation.
"I want to say THANK YOU for the massive effort you put into creating new content for us, for the sheer passion you bring to EVERY workshop (whether it’s the 1stor the 51st ) and above all, for expressing a genuine interest in improving the wellbeing of our people. It’s obvious to all, that your work is not just an ‘occupation’ and that it means as much to you as it does to us. There aren’t enough people in the world anymore that truly care Lance and I’m very grateful that our paths have crossed."
Senior Manager, Business Advisory - ANZ Bank.
"Lance included many tips from personal experience which were very helpful. The content was fully covered and he was extremely patient and gave everyone the chance to speak and not cut them off. Re-thinking solutions of ways we have always done things with new approaches was great. Lance was fully engaged during the entire training."
Auckland Transport - Parking Enforcement Supervisor.