How can I get through such tough times when there seems to be no hope?

My book, Behind The Tape, is more than just a collection of my stories from my time in the NZ police — it's a testament to the resilience, courage, and humanity that defines us all.

At the time of writing, I thought it was to be a book about me and my struggles. I wrote the book for selfish reasons, to show others what I had been through.
As a police officer and crisis negotiator, I faced some of the most intense and challenging situations imaginable.

Each story in the book represents a moment where lives hung in the balance, where every word and action could mean the difference between hope and despair.

These experiences taught me invaluable lessons about empathy, communication, and the power of human connection.

The stories were not just about me, but about the people I was talking with.

They are the ones who held their life in their own hands, they are the ones who had the courage to talk with me, they are the ones who eventually stepped back from danger.

One story that stands out is the time I spent hours talking to a distraught young man on the brink of ending their life. In that moment, I realised the true impact we can have on each other.

Crisis negotiation isn't just about saving a life; it is about understanding, listening, and being there in the moment when it matters most to that person.

Writing Behind The Tape was not only to share my story with others, it allowed me to process these experiences and share them with the world. It's a reminder that even in our darkest moments - there is always light, and there is always hope.

We all have the strength to overcome adversity, and sometimes all it takes is someone to listen to us, someone to believe in us. Someone to ask; “How's it going?” or "What's up?"

To everyone who has read the book and shared their own stories of resilience, thank you. Your support means the world to me.

Let’s talk!