Mind (Mental) Health Statistics NZ – The wellbeing of our family and friends is important to everyone.
Working in mental health for over 30 years, I have tended to focus only on the negative and ignore the positive, because that is where I can help.
There is a lot of good news to be proud of, the Ministry of Health data from a 2023/24 survey revealed that:
• 85% of adults reported they were in good health which is similar to the previous five years.
• A similar number report high or very high family wellbeing and a high or very high level of life satisfaction.
• Nearly all children (96.5%) are reported as being in good health.
The stats on addiction and psychological distress have unfortunately changed for the worse:
• One in six adults has a hazardous drinking pattern - a score of eight or more on the alcohol use disorders identification test.
• 13% of adults experienced high or very high psychological distress.
• High or very high levels of psychological distress has nearly doubled over the last five years - from 8.3 to 13%.
Although the majority of us are doing well, around 1 in 5 adults aren't functioning as well as they could be, and that has a flow on effect in their work and family lives.
We can all do our bit to help those struggling. Often, all it takes is for one person to reach out a helping hand with support which may not seem like much, except to the person struggling.
If you know or see someone who is living alone, who is struggling with a physical or mental challenge, or may be down on their luck, here are five simple steps to help that person:
• Listen - sit with the person and ask them about them. Acknowledge their situation by validating that life can be tough.
• Learn - find out one thing they need that would help them in that moment. Don't guess what they need, ask them what they need.
• Deliver - provide them with that one small thing.
• Reconnect - in a day or two reconnect with that person and see what has changed or what it meant to them.
• Help – if you have additional time, find a way to help people help themselves. Who can you connect the person with who could offer the service or support they need to get them started?
We are a community species that likes to help others. If each one of us did something small each day to help those in need to help themselves, we can improve the distress of those who are struggling.
Yes, there will be some who we cannot help, but that should not stop us from trying. The ripple effect of doing that one thing is exponential, studies show it can impact as many as 100 people.
We've got this, together. Sometimes just a small hand up is all that is needed to set us on the path to recovery.
Let's talk!