Imposter Syndrome!

You dismiss your successes as pure luck and not from your hard work. Or, maybe you attribute your successes to those around you. I once thought it was self-doubt, and to an extent it is.

Impostor syndrome.

I knew what it was but didn't know it had a name. Like me, many people experience this - not believing they have the necessary skills for their current role, telling themselves they don't deserve to be in the position they are in, perhaps feeling that they are a fraud

Try focusing on these simple things;
💡 Accept that you are as good as others say you are and that you got to where you are because of you.
💡 Stop comparing yourself to others, each of us is unique and have something to offer.
💡 If you make a mistake, it's not because you are an impostor, it's because you made a mistake. That's all, a simple mistake.
💡 Don't hold back, prove to the world that you are as good as others say that you are.

Have confidence that you are better than you think you are, that you are where you are today because of your skills, and that you deserve everything you have worked for.

Let's talk!