It's Time To Change Our Thinking.

Barbie fan or not, we can all take something away from the recent film

"It kills me that you don't think you're good enough."

You are good enough, that's why you are where you are today. If you heard a friend say they thought they weren't good enough, what advice would you give them? Could you give that same advice to yourself? Don't hold back and hesitate, prove to the world that you are as good as others say that you are.

"I’m just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman (person) tie herself (themself) into knots so that people will like us."

We spend far too much time trying to change ourselves, trying to follow a strict regime, trying to get the work/life balance right, and trying to conform to what others suggest of us. Each of us is very different, and that is what makes the world an interesting place. Remember, there is no such thing as the ultimate person.

"That's life. It's all change.

Change comes in many forms - health, work, family, friendships, technology, and business. None of us truly know what is ahead of us. Unexpected things always come along and throw us off course, and being aware of that can bring us certainty.

"Humans only have one ending, ideas live forever"

Our time here is finite, but our ideas can have a lasting impact. Each of us has something special to offer the world, we just have to find what it is and how to use it.

My question for you is "What are you waiting for?" Now is the time to start. Not this year, not this month, not this week, today. Sit down right now and work out what you want, and how you are going to get there and then take action, today.