Struggling With The 3pm Slump?

Struggling with the afternoon slump? Here are three quick-fix suggestions on refuelling your brain when you get tired, lethargic or fatigued;

Move it - moving around will produce endorphins, increase oxygen flow, bring ideas, burn off cortisol, and much more. A 15-minute fast-paced walk at lunchtime will get you through the afternoon.

Hydrate - 80% of your brain consists of water, you need water for your brain to function properly. Pure water, not coffee, tea, sodas, or any other fluid that might contain diuretics which will dehydrate you even further.

Get your protein in - prevent the afternoon crash by having a source of protein with every main meal.

Look forward to it - Looking forward to good things coming up in the future will generate similar chemicals to those produced when you smile. Think about something you can look forward to forward to at the end of the day or at the weekend.