It must be my age, perhaps the years have wearied me, I just don't like Christmas like I use to. Christmas was once a fun time with the thought of long holidays, hot days (for those in the Southern hemisphere), decorations adorning houses both inside and out, and lots of presents to unwrap on that special day.
I still enjoy those things, just not like I once did. These days, Christmas for me is about reflecting on the past year. Looking back to see how far I have come. And I am lucky enough to say I have come a long, long way.
Sure, there have been a few things that I would rather not have said or done that I regret or dislike. And there have been a few things that other people have said or done that hurt me.
For the most part, I try as much as possible to dismiss the negatives and focus on the positives as I look back.
Christmas is also a time to look forward. Look forward to even better times, consider where I want to take my business and what I want to do with it. It’s a time to set both business and personal goals that extend me, to plan who to collaborate with so I can share my adventure. It is also time to consider how I can give back for the wonderful luck that has been bestowed upon me.
Reflecting on how far I have come is the only reason that I ever look back, other than to happy moments that make me smile when I recall them.
Most of all, Christmas for me is about being in the moment. Savouring the smiles and the laughter of a joke shared, engaging in meaningful (or not so meaningful) conversations, listening to what others have to say, asking about the other person who I am talking with, and not thinking about anything else but that very instant.
Mindfulness is a powerful tool to control your negative thoughts, and I need that at times. We all do.
I don't like Christmas these days, I love it. I love that life seems to stop for a week or so, I love that nothing else matters except being with family and friends, I love it that I am not controlled by an alarm clock, I love that I can decide what I want to do and when I want to do it. Mostly, I love that I am still here to enjoy it.
Perhaps it is an age thing, I love Christmas more than ever because I am here to be a part of it.
Terrible things have happened throughout the year, most of which is out of our control. And it is okay to reflect on those things as well. In fact, it is important that from time-to-time that we do so. That’s what makes us human, that means we are alive, and that gives us hope for the future. It also makes us who we are, social creatures.
May I encourage you to reflect on your year? Try not to dwell for too long on the bad things, try to focus instead on how far you have come despite the bad things happening. May I also encourage you to look forward to the future, on how can you make things better next year for yourself and for others.
Importantly, may I encourage you to be in the moment over this holiday period. Stop, look, listen, smell, feel, and savour the pleasurable moments that holidays bring.
You will thank yourself for it, trust me.