Stop For A Moment

The world is moving so fast now that it is difficult to predict where we are heading and in which direction it will take. It is safe to say that technological advances have catapulted us headlong into the future.

Companies must maximise the use of technology to make it easy for them and for their market. They must also continuously look for a point of difference. They must either battle against their competitors or join with them to remain in operation.

People are no different, we must adapt to the ever-changing environment which can be overwhelming for some. Mostly, it overwhelms those of us who are slightly 'older'.

Those of us from the Baby Boomer era enjoyed our slow-paced life. We had time to sit and read a book, to take a walk, to spend time with our family, to smell the roses. Well, we still can and it may just help us by doing so.

I am always busy meeting with people, presenting at events, delivering coaching workshops, and running a business. Like most of us, I also have other things on the go. Some belong to a sports club, others a hobby group, and for me it is supporting not-for-profits. Busy, busy, busy.   

The other day I stopped and sat with my two grandchildren. One (aged 4) was reading a story on the i-Pad, the other (aged 2) was watching a video clip on an i-Phone. Both a proficient in the use of technology, it's not a novelty but a necessity for them. They know more about how to use technology than I do.

I sat on the lounge floor beside the toy box and both grandchildren stopped what they were doing and came and played with the toys that were scattered around the floor. We played for just 10 minutes. 

Did this make a difference for them, the smile on their faces showed me it did. Did this make a difference for me, you bet. When the grandchildren went home, I was smiling, contented, and invigorated. I was happy to go back to my work and did so with a renewed enthusiasm.

Maybe there is something in what research tells us. Maybe it is good to stop for a while. Maybe I should stop for a moment more often. Sit and just talk. Such a familiar concept but an unusual practice these days.