Followers would have noticed my recent posts have been a bit 'different' lately. My overarching point of them all is that we have to now look differently at the way we recruit, train, coach, lead, and manage.
Recruitment - There was a time when we submitted a CV, was short-listed, underwent an interview, and then either got the job or had to look for another. Now there are companies who conduct e-Screeing using state of the art technology to self-select recruits. No longer is there the need to run assessment centres, this is completed on-line.
Training - Unless you run a varied training package you are no longer meeting the needs of your employees. We have three generations of trainees, each requiring different techniques to address their varying learning needs. If you have used the same training package for the last 10 years, it is obsolete and may be one reason why your new staff do not perform as well as they could.
Coaching - It is no longer valid to use the same coaches that you have always used unless they have been up-skilled in the last year or so. When was the last time you thought about matching age with age for your coaches? You cannot expect a baby-boomer to fully engage with a millennial unless the BB has been trained at engaging with these new learners.
Leaders - I have already covered this topic off in earlier posts so I won't repeat them here. Suffice to say, look at how you lead and if it fits one of the four models then you need to change.
Managers - These are to forgotten ones, the powerhouse of your organisation. For the last few years all of our energy has gone into ways of being a great leader while the managers quietly went about their role steering the ship. The role of a manager hasn't changed, the way in which we manage must now dos so. Job-sharing, FEO, flexible rosters, working from home, day-care facilities, all are now employment practices required to run a successful business.
When was the last time you looked at your organisations practices? If you haven't changed the way in which you recruit, train, coach, lead, and manage within the last five years then chances are you are lagging behind your competitors.