Managing Change

There is nothing more certain in life than death and taxes the often-used saying espoused.  Today we can add to that, "and change".  Technology is the greatest contributor to change.  We have gone from posting letters, to sending faxes, to emails, to texts, to tweets, to photos, etc.  When previously we would meet and talk we now can phone from anywhere in the world or simply send a text message.

Our workplace has also changed dramatically.  Technological advancements require us to learn new skills, companies need to find different ways of operating, organisations have to restructure to compete.  

We have three options in dealing with change; we can refuse to participate and resist the change, educate ourselves as much as possible and hope that change won't impact on us too much, or we can embrace change and see it as an opportunity to increase our skills and be at the forefront.

The latter option is the most effective way of dealing with change, seeing it as an adventure and a challenge, a chance to prove to yourself that you have what it takes to be at the leading edge of change.  The advantages are endless - increase your skills, keep your mind active, increase your productivity, and become valuable to your company. 

Resisting change will only add to your stress levels as you become redundant.