Ministry of Social Development

"I have already had staff coming up and saying how much the enjoyed your presentation. I think you will be getting a couple of emails re help with sleeping too. I just had one consultant come to me and say that they could have listened to you all day!  Also, they tried being silent while the client ‘raved’ and it worked! So again, thanks so much."

Contact Centre Manager - Ministry of Social Development.

Orion Energy

"I just wanted you to know that one of my staff was talking to me about an extremely angry, difficult customer she dealt with. She was starting to get into a ‘no win’ situation when she thought she would give your method a go starting with a deep breath. She was absolutely delighted with the result.  She said the customer completely turned around from threatening court action to apologising for being a nuisance and no, it really wasn’t necessary to get anyone to call him back"

Contact Centre Manager - Orion Energy

Auckland Blues Rugby

"The session was very well received by the players. 82% of players rated the training as ‘excellent’. 71% of survey respondents gave maximum satisfaction ratings for all four quantitative delivery questions. Players appreciated the multi-modal nature of delivery. Over 82% of the group selected the highest score in interactive and organised measures. Qualitative commentary confirmed that players enjoyed Lance’s narratives which provided rich examples as to why he uses certain communication methods. These narratives were reinforced by best practice research." 

Auckland Blues Rugby - Players Programme Evaluation.