Management Feedback

SVL Compliance Officer, Auckland Transport

“Initially I was skeptical if the programme could be applied to real-life scenarios amongst all of our diverse customers. However, every single hostile confrontation has been resolved by being consciously aware of the customer’s body language, my communication, and active listening skills. The latest hostile confrontation I received was de-escalated quickly by acknowledging their emotions and addressing their concerns with the information they needed in a professional manner, this latest potentially hostile confrontation resulted in the customer thanking me before departing.”

Matt Maidens - SVL Compliance Officer - Auckland Transport

GM Retail & Business Banking Southern - ANZ

“The feedback from our 2 sessions in Christchurch was excellent, to the point I cannot recall having ever had so many positive comments at both how much staff attending got personally from the session, and how grateful they were the bank organised this “for them” with no direct bank purpose. Thank you so much – you did a superb job.’’

GM Retail & Business Banking Southern - ANZ

CEO - Waipareira Trust

“Waipareira is the largest non government social services and health provider to the West Auckland Community . 20 of our Key leadership team embarked on a one day course with WARN International . Every team member came back greatly enriched by your programme . The undoubted skills and experience imparted will help guide them through some of the most difficult situations they will face . They are all the better for this experience and we look forward to shaping a follow up seminar in the new year .’’

John Tamihere - CEO Waipareira Trust

Health & Safety Manager - NZAA

"Lance is good at what he does and his mix of theory, practice and personal experience makes the courses memorable for the participants.  I get references to his training from previous participants reasonably often as the they ask when they will be attending refreshers. Having Lance do the courses gives me piece of mind and confidence, so yes highly recommend him."

Health & Safety Manager - NZAA