Training - Who Needs It?

As someone who has been involved in coaching and training for the last 15 years, I continue to be frustrated when managers say "we haven't got time for training, we are just too busy".  On the contrary, this is the best time to provide your staff with targeted support. 

Research has shown the benefits of training; it increases knowledge & awareness,  provides support, engages teams, creates enthusiasm, regenerates energy, the benefits are endless.  Providing this kind of support, along with the half reward & reward goal setting (rather than the carrot & stick approach) will reap benefits during the busiest of times.

Studies have also shown the value in aligning training with the strategic goals of the organisation rather than an adhoc mish-mash approach such as a knee jerk reaction to a single event or providing training simply to add variety hoping that it will keep employees engaged and enthused.


More Things to Keep you Well

Here are another few things that you can do to maintain your well-being;

  1. Maintain a positive attitude - when things don't go so well, look at what did go well and what did you learn?
  2. Worry about the small stuff - don't procrastinate, deal with these early so they don't grow into big stuff.
  3. Don't take it too personally - if you have erred, say sorry and move on.  We all make mistakes, that's how we grow.
  4. Write things down - make a list of tasks you need to complete, prioritise them in order of importance, then work on the list as soon as you can.
  5. Find ways to distract your brain - when we feel under pressure our brain starts thinking negative thoughts to protect us. Stop this by doing a physical activity while concentrating on something else, this will disrupt your thought pattern.

Is Communication Important?

For most of us, the most difficult aspect of our work life is communicating with others.  Whether this is talking with customers, attending meetings, holding employment conversations, or presenting in front of a group, these forms of communication heighten our stress levels.

Adding to this stress is the need to prepare, what to say, how to say it, will it be within the required time, what questions will be asked, will I make a mistake, etc.  Very soon, our emotions take control of our brain as our heart rate increases and blood pressure rises.  Our brain begins to focus on the negative and logic is a forgotten ability.

Communication is important in every aspect of our lives, not just at work.  Humans like to communicate, we need to communicate.  However, this is not always an enjoyable practice at work.

So, how do we make communication easier?  Practice, practice, practice.  Find an opportunity to develop your communication skills; develop your customer service practices, volunteer to present on a topic in front of a group, join an organisation such as toastmasters, grab any chance on offer where you can speak.  This method of immersion will soon reduce your stress levels as you become more comfortable at communications.

You Want Me To Think About What?

When sitting quietly in the evenings we sometimes find ourselves worrying about our workday and focusing on the negative aspects.  We often have a feeling of a heavy chest or a knot in the stomach.  This is because psychology (our brain) is inseparably linked to our physiology (our body).

To overcome our brain wandering down that terrible spiral of worry about the day leading to guilt leading to regret leading to overwhelming defeat - you get the picture - a way that I find works well is train the brain by diversion.  

To do this we link a physical action with a mental action, i.e. we do something while thinking something.  An example; you recognise that you worry about work when you get home.  So, when you do get home combine a physical action with a mantra such as hanging an article of clothing on a hook and saying to yourself, "I am home" or "work is over" or "I am safe". 

Do this everyday for 21 days to start the change, 66 days to embed it.  After this period all you have to do is the same physical action and your brain will automatically forget about work, you won't need to repeat your mantra.